This stack is a library for XCMD, XFCN, curs, ICON and snd resources, together with any resources which they own. The following paragraphs describe the stack operation, later versions of this stack may include better "Hypercard style" help.
ΓÇó Each XCMD, XFCN and snd stored in the library is given its own card while ICON and curs's are stored 20 per card. You may use the first 5 buttons along the bottom of this opening card to go to the first card in any section. Once in a section, the left and right buttons cycle you through the cards in that section, while the buttons on the right enable you to switch sections.
ΓÇó The "Add" button takes you to a card from which you may open other files and copy resources from them into the library.
1) Use the "Open" button to select a file, if you option-click the Standard File dialog will allow you to choose any file type instead of just STAK, APPL, rsed and ???? (often LightspeedCΓäó code resources).
2) To select a resource type to copy click on one of the radio buttons. If the type you want isn't displayed click on "Other…" and a scrolling list of all types in the selected file will appear, click on any type in this list to select it.
3) A list of all resources of the selected type will appear, click on the one you wish to copy to select it.
4) To copy use either the "Copy" button, or if the selected resource is an ICN# and you would like to convert it to an ICON click the "Copy ICN# -> ICON" button.
The "Copy All" button does just that. If the copied resource is one of the 5 standard types then a library entry will be generated for it.
ΓÇó On each library card there are buttons to rename, delete and paste the selected resource - to select a resource on ICON and curs cards click on the
appropriate button. The "Paste" button will take you to the paste card and add the selected resource to the paste list. When you have collected all the resources you wish to paste you may open a file and paste them in.
• For XCMD and XFCN resources you may associate other resources with them which will be pasted into other stacks automatically when you paste their owner. To do this click the "Associate…" button on any XCMD or XFCN card, this will take you to a card where you can select any of the resources in the library to be added to the association list of the selected resource.
I hope the rest is self explanatory. This stack and the XCMD/XFCNs which I wrote that are part of it are copyright. The scripts and XCMD/XFCNs are FreeWare and may be used freely provided they are not sold either on their own or as part of some package, including ShareWare items.